3 Ways to Take Control of Your Life By: Kirk Deis

Have you reached that stage in your life where you woke up today and realized every choice you are going to make is already planned for you? It’s the same black and white daily routine. You wake up ten minutes before your alarm goes off because your neighbor never remembers to turn off his alarm before opening the door.

Next up, you rush to work – only to find out the amount of work piled on your desk would take an army of ten to complete. But lucky you, you have till 5pLife VS workm to find a way to get it done.

And for what? Oh yes, to go back home. Watch some TV. Though you’d love to watch Breaking Bad but alas that ship has sailed. So you spend a good 45 minutes surfing Netflix to find a decent flick, yet you find yourself settling on a documentary about UFO’s. It’s almost like you’ve become a prisoner of life.

3 Ways to Take Control of Your Life

  1. Be Prepared to Walk Away from anything.

You’re not a robot. Why are you acting like one? There are things you need in life and things you want. Often times we trick ourselves into thinking we HAVE to do XYZ. But do you really? Obviously walking away from something is easier said than done. Let’s look at your career. Do you love it? Why not? If you’re going to stay there for twenty plus years shouldn’t you love it? The counter argument is you have bills and you need the job to survive. That makes sense. Your only option is to start saving up. At least by doing that, you’re doing something beyond just surviving.

  1. In the words of Ryan Gosling from the Notebook, “What do you want? God damn it what do you want?!”

If you’re waiting for Gosling like supernatural being to suddenly show up at your doorstep, wave some fairy dust and BOOM! You’re happy – you’ll be waiting a long time. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself what YOU want. What makes YOU happy? You have to be a 120% selfish and have a bit of a heart to heart with yourself. This is important because once you identify the things you want you can start formulating goals to go after. Looking for a master plan to get started? Give this article a read.

  1. Give yourself a break.

It really never is as bad as you think. Breaking Bad is now streaming on Netflix. Having a job is better than not. And that UFO documentary is surprisingly interesting. You do a lot on a daily basis. Surely within those 24 hours one thing went in your favor. Believe it or not, that one thing is all you need. Give yourself a break. Keep things in perspective and if that fails pick yourself up and try again. Here are 30 tips that might help you on your journey.


You are not a robot. The secret to regaining control of your life is realizing YOU ALWAYS had control to begin with.





Kirk came into this world telling stories and knocking out pages with words. He’s a D.I.Y. King, Bazinga Jedi, and like many of us a Netflix addict. His journey led him to blog and social media writing for various online publications, IMDB credits, and a lead creative writer position at the business naming agency Biz Name Wiz. Feel free to drop him a line at his portfolio site Kirk’s Bedroom, he loves hearing from people.

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